CSS Notes

Table of Contents

  1. Basic Format of CSS
  2. Resources
  3. Types of selector
  4. Class vs ID
  5. Sizing text
  6. Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements
  7. Colour
  8. Animations
  9. Grid and Flexbox
  10. Coding Games

Basic format of CSS:

selector {
   property: value;


Reference & Guides:

Design Tools:

Technical Tools:

Types of selector

.class (see section below)

#id (see section below)

* (selects all elements, but easily overridden due to lack of specificity)

element (e.g. h2)

element, element (e.g. h1, h2 - applies to 2 or more elements)

element element (e.g. h1 h2 - applies to the second element whenever it's nested within the first element)

element > element (applies to the second element whenever it's a child of the first element)

element + element (applies to the second element in cases where it immediately follows the first element - e.g. h1 + p will apply to the p)

element ~ element (similar to previous, except it selects ALL elements of the second type when following the first - e.g. h1 + p will apply to ALL p elements immediately after an h1)

:hover (e.g. h1:hover)



!important (overrides other CSS - not recommended)

Which selectors win out in the cascade depends on:

Class vs ID


The id selector is used for selecting a single HTML element with a unique id attribute value.

How to use within stylesheet:

#header { width: 100%; height: 80px; background: blue }

Applied to HTML:

<h1 id="header">Lorem ipsum.</h1>


The class selector is used for selecting a single or a group of HTML elements with the same class attribute value.

How to use within stylesheet:

.content { margin: 20px 0; line-height: 24px; font-size: 15px }

Applied to HTML:

<div class="content">Lorem ipsum.</div>

When to use class versus id

Sizing text: px, em and rem

These are 3 different ways to size text.

  • px means pixels - it's an absolute size (i.e. "anchored to some physical measurement").
  • em and rem are relative methods of sizing.
  • em is relative to the element that the selected text is contained within. Example:
  • <p>Hello World! <span>this is a section of text selected inline;</span> the text outside is not affected.</p>

    Any text inside the <span> will be styled in the CSS settings for "span" and you can use the em value there, under the font-size property. The font size will be relative to the current CSS settings for <p>.

    CSS stylesheet example (where font size is set to 1.5 times the original size):

    span {
       font-size: 1.5em;
  • rem is similar, but relative to the root element of the document - i.e. whatever the html is set to.

Note: you can also make the font size relative to the viewport size using VW and VH.

Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements

Pseudo-class is used to define a special state of an element.

For example, it can be used to:

  • Style an element when a user mouses (hovers) over it
  • Style visited and unvisited links differently
  • Style an element when it gets focus (e.g. clicking on an input field in a form)
  • Style the first-child, last-child, etc, of an element.


selector:pseudo-class {
   property: value;


a:hover {
   color: #FF00FF;

Pseudo-elements work in a similar way - however, they act as if you had added a whole new HTML element into the markup, rather than applying a class to existing elements.
Note: pseudo-elements use a double colon :: instead of a single one at their start.


article p::first-line {
   font-size: 120%;
   font-weight: bold;

The example above turns the first line of a <p> element (which is nested in an <article> element) into a selectable element of its own, and allows you to style it. The amount of text styled will vary depending on the size of the viewport - only the first line will be styled.

Handy example of how the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements work:

screenshot of code demonstrating how to use the ::before and ::after psuedo-elements

More info and a full list of pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements.


You can use Hex, RGB, or HSL (hue, saturation, lightness).

Here's an argument for why HSL is the best option.

Also check out CSS gradients to do cool stuff like this:

Gradient Backgrounds

Animations in CSS

Make things move :)

Grid and Flexbox

These are two CSS layout systems that can be used individually or together. Both have different strengths, so they can work well in tandem. You can combine them by using a Flexbox container inside a CSS Grid container. However, you can't use a CSS Grid Container inside a Flexbox container.

Coding Games

screenshot of CSS Diner coding game

Lots of CSS games at Codepip.com (inc. Flexbox Froggy! ♥)

...Plus a CSS quiz at W3Schools.com